Requested by: Individual (via | Response provided: 16/05/2019
Category: Women's Health,Waiting Times

I write in response to your Official Information Act request, dated 05 April 2019.

You requested the following information:

  • 1.Please provide the criteria that are used to prioritize patients needing to be placed on awaiting list for elective Endometriosis laparoscopic investigation.
  • 2.Please provide the range of possible scores used for prioritisation for the above procedure.
  • 3. Please provide CMDHB’s current threshold scores for the above procedure, this may include,but is not limited to scores that would represent no help offered, medium and high priorities.
  • 4.Please provide information as to how a patient would be informed about their currentwaiting/ priority status, both initially after first assessment, and also during the course of waiting for treatment.


Our response is attached





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