Requested by: TVNZ | Response provided: 24/03/2021
Category: Corporate
  • I would like please to have a breakdown of spend vs budget over the past two years in all
    areas, including expenses for executive on food, travel, dining, accommodation, and
    furnishings, with details of where and what these were attributed to. To be clear, the
    amount the DHB got from each budget (2019, 2020) and where that spend has been
    allocated in its entirety.
  • I would also like to ask what services have been cut over the past two years, and why and
    whether these are likely to be re established. This included the Eastcare overnight funding. If
    it could be detailed the reasons why in a population of half a million people, a DHB would
    close a facility that treats minor to medium-care patients. Detailed rationale is invited.


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