Requested by: Stuff | Response provided: 24/05/2021
Category: Women's Health,Clinical

May I please find out how many clinicians have been trained under the National Contraception Training Service, how many are doing the work now and how much training is going on.
Family Planning has the contract for the training and reports this back to the Ministry.

Broken down by DHB area, can I find out:
1. How many clinicians are trained in long acting reversible contraception for each region
2. How many clinicians have completed the training in the last 12 years (or however long Family Planning has had the contract) for each region
3. How many clinicians are able to deliver LARC training in each region, per year for the last 12 years
4. How many clinicians are currently doing LARCs for patients in their region per year for the last 12 years?”


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