Requested by: Critic Te Arohi | Response provided: 16/06/2021
Category: Recruitment,Corporate

1. The details of any psychometric testing undertaken as part of staff recruitment, training, resourcing or outsourcing — including as undertaken by outside recruitment firms.

a. Details including: the types of psychometric test undertaken; copies of the test(s)themselves; statistical distributions of results; information about the staff tested broken down by role, and including designation decisions made upon receipt of the tests; & organisational guidelines and communication pertaining to the analysis of results.
b. Names of all and any companies used to provide psychometric testing, including subcontractors used by outsourced recruitment agencies.

2. All documents and communications pertaining to: decisions made to introduce or modify psychometric testing regimes; initiate use of results in a particular way or change the use of results.
a. All documents and communications pertaining to financial costs of psychometric testing broken down by year, and including names of entities that psychometric testing related transactions occurred within this breakdown.

3. Any documentation or communication pertaining to any cost/ benefit analysis taken to:
introduce; modify; or make decisions taking into account the results of psychometric testing.

I would also welcome any comment or other relevant information that pertains to the spirit
of this OIA.


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