Problem Statement

Patient falls that result in harm are the most frequently reported adverse event in hospitals. Every month an average of 110 falls are reported within CM Health. Of these, 30 to 40 will cause some harm and one or two will cause serious harm to the patients who fell.

What are we trying to achieve?

The aim of the Falls Prevention Group is to prevent harm from falls for patients who are receiving care at a CM Health facility.

What have we done?

In February 2019, a new Falls Prevention Group was established and its terms of reference developed. The group includes allied health staff (physiotherapists and pharmacists), senior clinical nurses and a quality representative, and meets every month. Two co-chairs have been appointed by the group: a charge nurse manager and a physiotherapist. Representatives from the group are currently in the process of completing the 2017–2018 Review of Serious Harm Falls Report.

In addition, the role of the Falls Prevention Resource Champion Group has been expanded to include restraint minimisation, with a new role outline and terms of reference developed. This champions group will help build an organisation-wide culture of falls prevention and restraint minimisation, by making recommendations about best practice and quality improvement initiatives, and raising any concerns to the Falls Prevention Group and the Restraint Minimisation and Safe Practice Group. The group will meet every quarter.

Where to from here?

The Falls Prevention Group has developed a 2019 work plan, which includes updating the falls prevention web page, so that all information and resources about falls prevention is easily accessible in one location.

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