Primary healthcare nursing provides quality integrated services for individuals, whaanau and the communities of the Counties Manukau region through collaboration, education and innovation.
This section connects various areas of nursing that Counties Manukau Health is responsible for. Nursing Services continually strive to develop and provide high standards of nursing care by involving and working with patients, their whaanau and various health services. We are focussed on achieving four key goals:
The Clinical Training and Education Centre (CTEC) is a multi-disciplinary training facility available for the continued development of all clinical skills for CM Health staff, community groups and other healthcare providers.
All Registered Nurses working in the Counties Manukau region - including Primary Health Care, Hospice and Aged Care facilities are eligible to apply for Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ) Application Funding for Post Graduate Education (Level 8). Any queries about the HWNZ funding can be directed to Dianne Barnhill, Post Registration/PDRP Lead at Middlemore Hospital.
This training has been specifically designed to assist Registered Nurses working in Private Hospitals within Aged Care to manage patients with central venous lines who require an extended length of intravenous antibiotic therapy in the comfort of their own facility.
These training workshops have been specifically designed to assist Registered Nurses working in Primary Health Care towards competency underpinned by theoretical knowledge and the practical skills required to insert peripheral IV cannula (PIVC) and/or take blood samples.
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