Requested by: Private/Individual | Response provided: 08/10/2021
Category: Medical,Clinical
  1. “What is the Medical Day-Stay (non-oncology) infusion capacity where capacity is defined as the maximum number of infusions that can occur at any given time?
  2. Average number of infusions per week?
  3. Opening days & hours?
  4. Which products are most commonly infused (top ten)?
  5. Does the DHB run satellite infusion services outside of its main hospitals? If so, in what locations?
  6. How often (percentage of total patients) is travel assistance (eg buses, shuttles, taxis, or monetary assistance) to attend infusions provided to patients? What are the monthly costs?
  7. How often do patients not attend infusion appointments as scheduled?
  8. Are scheduled IV infusions ever provided outside of the Medical Day Stay Unit (eg General Medical Ward)? If so, on average, how many times a month would this occur?
  9. What is the average cost of an infusion on the Medical Day Stay Unit vs the General Medical Ward?
  10. Does method of administration (eg IV vs sub-cutaneous) pose a barrier to treatment due to capacity constraints?
  11. Is there a need for new medicines that are community or home-based as an alternative to infusions?
  12. Are infusion bookings ever delayed due to capacity constraints? If so:
    • a. How many days (on average) from the date an infusion is required to the date it is booked for?
    • b. What is the longest period (in days) that an infusion has been delayed for in the past year?
    • c. Over the past 12 months, how many patients have had an infusion delayed due to capacity constraints?
    • d. How are bookings prioritised?
  13. What is the forecasted increase in infusion numbers over the next two years?
  14. Is the DHB planning to expand infusion capacity? If so:
    • By how much?
    • What is the timeframe for completion?
    • Will capacity meet demand?”


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