On the ball for equity
In an effort to reduce health inequities and promote healthy lifestyles, a netball tournament for Maaori health workers was hosted by the Auckland branches of Te Rūnanga o Aotearoa, New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) and the National Council of Maaori Nurses on Saturday, 11 February at the Manurewa netball courts.
Construction begins on Manukau Health Park redevelopment
Construction work at Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand’s $316m Manukau Health Park redevelopment started this week. The new facilities will include a new ambulatory renal centre, four new operating theatres, an advanced radiology hub, a women’s and ophthalmology building and an integrated breast-care service.
What does measles look like?
Measles is more than just a rash – it’s a dangerous virus that can spread quickly and leave you or your whaanau quite unwell.
Clinical News with Dr Andrew Connolly
Kia Ora Tatou Counties Manukau was lucky enough to weather Cyclone Gabrielle pretty well. There was no major damage to our facilities, and we maintained strong staff levels despite the disruptions - a great credit to all staff.
Tips to help you prepare for Cyclone Gabrielle
Cyclone Gabrielle is forecast to arrive in Auckland on Sunday night and may impact the region until Wednesday. Please keep an eye on updates - Auckland Emergency Management and MetService are the best sources of official information.