Jancy Koshy is a kind of trouble shooter – a welcome sight to her colleagues in many wards and clinics at Counties Manukau.
She’s what they call a Clinical Resource Nurse, who is based at the Manukau Surgical Centre, which means she’s expected to be across everything – mostly after-hours when a charge nurse or senior nurse is unavailable for something a little bit urgent, then Jancy steps in.
“I cover all the areas including surgical, orthopaedic wards, perioperative care unit, the dialysis units, recovery and various clinics - I kind of wander the corridors here looking for work, helping nurses when they get stretched.”
“If a patient suffers a collapse or a cardiac arrest or anything very serious or imminent, or any patient is getting very unwell – I can step in.”
A lot of Jancy’s work is quite strategic – like moving patients from places like the Manukau Surgical Centre to Middlemore or Auckland hospital for an extra level of care, if required.
“I’m also a kind of ‘fix-everything’ person too – like if a fire risk is identified or there’s a water leakage or another mishap – I am expected to be across it all.”
Jancy has been in her clinical resource role for five years – having served 15 years before that working in Middlemore’s Emergency Department where she still pulls a shift once a fortnight, because she loves it.
At least one other member of her family is pursuing a career in health care – Jancy’s son is getting trained in the radiation department at Auckland Hospital.
Jancy says what she likes most about her mahi at Counties is the satisfaction of recognising those patients who are getting unwell and giving them the best treatment available.
“We have difficult days here, like in any hospital or health setting, but it is deeply satisfying and I expect to still be here for a few more years.
“If you want to keep learning and growing, this is a good place to be!”
Jancy Koshy
Clinical Resource Nurse