Welcome to Counties Manukau Maternity Services
Counties Manukau Health (CM Health) provides a range of maternity services including pregnancy education classes (antenatal classes), antenatal care, maternity outpatients, birthing facilities and postnatal care.
Once your pregnancy has been confirmed, please book an appointment with a midwife/lead maternity carer (LMC). Maternity care in New Zealand is funded by the government for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents and those who meet the Ministry of Health eligibility criteria.
What is Maternity / Obstetric care?
Maternity care is for women during pregnancy (antenatal), labour and birth, and the 6 weeks after childbirth (postnatal). Regular antenatal checks should be performed by a midwife, GP or obstetrician (doctor who specialised in obstetrics). Click here for A-Z resources on pregnancy and keeping healthy
- Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) - Click here to find a midwife or phone the maternity administration team on (09) 276 0044 ext 58187. They will take your details and connect you with midwives from your area who have a space at the time of your due date, and send you a letter giving you the midwife's name and number. The LMC midwife will then give you a call. LMCs have easy access to specialists and to both primary birthing units and hospital facilities.
- Counties Manukau Health Caseloading Team These DHB employed midwives work as a team to provide continuity of care throughout your pregnancy, labour and postnatal period. A team midwife is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The midwives have easy access to the specialists. They are based at Botany primary birthing unit.
- Primary Maternity Services A midwife will contact you to arrange an appointment. Antenatal clinics are held in community clinics often at GP surgeries, at the three primary birthing units in Pukekohe, Papakura and Botany Downs or at your home if you have difficulty coming to a clinic. Your midwife will make sure you have her contact details.
Birthing at one of the Primary Birthing Units is a safe and home-like choice for low-risk women. If you live near to Middlemore Hospital you can still choose to birth at one of the units :
If you choose to birth at Middlemore, or are advised to, you can still be transfer to one of the units soon after birth for your postnatal stay. All units have BFHI accreditation and all the staff, including lactation consultants, are very experienced in helping with establishing breastfeeding.
Middlemore Hospital
- Birthing & Assessment Unit fills the whole 2nd floor of the Galbraith Building which is the large building opposite the train station. It is a 24-hour unit for emergency antenatal/postnatal problems and labour and birth.
- Maternity wards are located on the 4th floor of the Galbraith Building. This is an inpatient antenatal and postnatal service for those who have risk factors or a baby requiring hospital care. The Ward is divided into North and South areas. Visiting hours are between 1pm and 8pm.
- Neonatal Care Unit provides intensive or special care for babies requiring assistance after birth.
- Gynaecology & Obstetric Service and Early Pregnancy and Assessment Clinic (EPAC) provides assessment and care for women up to 20 weeks pregnant.
- Community Midwifery Service provides continued care before and after the birth of your baby.
Specialised Pregnancy Services
- Specialist Appointment
An obstetrician is a specialist doctor who provides care for women with complications from the last pregnancy, during this pregnancy, childbirth or the postnatal period. Your midwife/GP will discuss referral with you. You may see the obstetrician once or a number of times depending on the reasons. Clinics are held at Manukau SuperClinic as well as Pukekohe and Papakura Maternity Units.
Women who have higher risk pregnancies will usually be advised to birth at Middlemore Hospital.
- Obstetric Medical Clinic (OMC)
Women with very complex medical problems before or during pregnancy are seen by this service. Some women are seen by a specialist team all through pregnancy but others only once or twice. You can often continue with your LMC midwife (if you have one) or this service will provide midwifery care along with the obstetricians and physicians (medical doctors).
- Diabetes in Pregnancy Service
If you have diabetes or if it is found during your pregnancy this service will manage this side of your care. Midwives, obstetricians, diabetologists, and dietitians all work to help you control your diabetes. Your LMC or community midwife will usually provide basic midwifery care too.
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